A soldier of the 848 Gren Rgt


I'm looking for any informations to clarify the fate and to locate the grave (if it exists somewhere) of my uncle Eduard Duvot who disappears in august 1944 in east Romania during the heavy soviet offensive called Jassy-Kischinew/Chisinau.

Thanks to Wast and the Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, i know the following :

. He joined the Reicharbeitdienst in Feb 1943. Don't know where ?
. Enrolled in the Wehrmacht in May 1945.
. Hurt in december 1943 (feet frozen). Treated in Reserve lazarett Aulhausen
. He was part of the 848 Gren Rgt of the 282 Inf Div (6th army).
. FPN 02723
. Erkennungsmarken
1) 1670 - 5 Inf ers Btl I/282
2) 174 - 1 Gen Kp GEB 111
3) 482 - 5 Inf Ers Btl 1

. From the Volksbund database. His name is mentioned in the graveyard memorial book of Iasi (Jassy)

Thanks for any help or advise
Dear Leger,

I don´t have important informations for the moment but a picture of your uncle Eduard, taken from the DRK Vermisstenbildliste Volume CC, page CC209.
Hope you like it.

Furthermore this book might be of interest for you:

Die vergessene Division - 282. Baden-Württembergische Infanterie-Division Friedrich Kaufmann
Herausgegeben von der Kameradschaft ehem. Angehöriger der 282. Inf.Div., Selbstverlag

I´m pretty sure that it will be hard to find it.

Best regards
Thank you Peavey.
I know this photo also.
I will try to find the book you mentionned. Not sure if it exists in English or French ?

Dear Leger,

No problem, you´re welcome.

I´m afraid that this book isn´t available in any other language than german.

Best regards
Hi eyerybody - I may be mistaken but I always thought that "to enroll" means something like "to join" ... So he couldn`t be killed at Jassy if he enrolled in the Wehrmacht in May 1945 as mentioned by Leger...

I think that most probably there is a mistake in the starting post from Leger as the DRK quotes Jassy, too?

Kind regards

It's a mistake, i meant 1943...
as I thought ....