Texte gefunden

Einen kurzen text wurde gefunden unweit von Brest, geschrieben von
Heinz Stange, FPN 33653

und noch einen Text, geschrieben von Bruno Schilasky, FPN 35193.

I habe Texte auf 2 Bilder


Hallo Oleg,

willkommen bei uns im Forum!

Wie sind den die Umstände die zu den Funden geführt haben?

I hope, it is OK, if I write English. You can write German, I will understand you.

Now about the pictures. They were taken by a reporter, who lives in Brest.

He researched the walls of a wooden structure near Brest-Litovsk and discovered hand written texts in German. I send only the last lines of the texts, to preserve privacy of the German soldiers, who wrote them, and author's rights of the reporter, who found them. Furthermore the texts are not quite readable.

Please write in German, it's OK
Hallo Oleg,

wir sind natürlich etwas vorsichtig mit der Herausgabe von Informationen.

Am besten schreibst Du mir mal eine E-Mail

Es koennte dieser sein?

Nachname: Stange
Vorname: Karl-Heinz
Geburtsdatum: 26.12.1926

nur als Hintergrund-Info: Brest-Litowsk war Umschlagplatz für deutsche Kriegsgefangene auf ihrem Weg in die sowjetische Kriegsgefangenschaft und auf ihrem Weg zurück aus der Gefangenschaft.
Hier mussten die Gefangenen von den europäischen Schmalspur-Zügen auf Züge mit der russischen Breitspur und umgekehrt umgeladen werden.
Bei den Inschriften handelt es sich sicher um verzweifelte Lebenszeichen von wartenden Gefangenen auf ihrem Weg in sowjetische Lager in der Hoffnung, daß jemand dieses (bis dahin letzte) Zeichen an jemanden im Westen weiter leiten würde.

Gruß, Stefan
Beide gehoert lt. FPN zum Infanterie-Ersatz-Regiment 68.

Das Infanterie-Ersatz-Regiment 68 wurde ab 15. Oktober 1942 zum Reserve-Grenadier-Regiment 68 umbenannt. Das Regiment wurde auch noch im Herbst 1942 in die Ukraine nach Brest-Litowsk verlegt.
I am pleased that someone has shown interest at last.

I did not expect, frankly, that someone would respond.

Both texts have exact dates, referring to September 1943!!!!!!!!

Judging by the character of the texts, both soldiers were on sentry duty while they wrote the texts.

Perhaps, there were more, yet they have gone.

Maybe they were painted and remain under a layer of paint.

I suppose that was a habit to kill time by writing something and idling away time in this way.

Or they did this before leaving the place as a remebrance, right?
Minos: Beide gehoert lt. FPN zum Infanterie-Ersatz-Regiment 68.

Eine kleine Frage.
Was bedeutet "It"?

Danke fur die Antwort im Voraus
Hallo Oleg

Koenntest Du bitte Deine Interessen bzw. Absichten zu dem Fall, hier im Forum mal erklaeren.
Ich moechte Dir nichts unterstellen, aber auch auf keinen Fall in die falschen Haende zu arbeiten.

@ lt. bedeutet laut (entsprechend)
Sorry, Minos but there is no answer to my short question, if I am not mistaken.

You mention Arbeit "work".

As for me that is my hobby and I am not going to turn it into some work

or I misunderstood something in your last message?
Original von Minos
Hallo Oleg

@ lt. bedeutet laut (entsprechend)

The question, however, stands above answered.
Your question here in the forum is hobby O.K..
But there was already a negative experience, so here it is just a little cautious.
Can you find all the letters here?
Many thanks, Minos, for your patience and the explanations regarding my question.
Now it is clear.

as to the the main issue, it is still not clear to me.

Sure I can find all the letters above. Maybe my German is not up to par and I failed to grasp something, but why are you so cautious?
Is there any risk on your side?
Could you express it in some other way?
Or must I read all messages in the forum?

So far, I do some work, not you, as I see.
I disclose some facts on behalf of the person, who found them. He seeks cooperation on your side. It is clear the suggested project can be useful both to you and him. As soon as he sees that you really cooperate with him, he will let you know his name and address.You can guess, the person in question cannot write English either German and so far, he requires someone as a translator.

Or do you prefer to deal without any middleman?

If it is the case, you can write Russian to him, can you?

and the last but not the least. Nobody, neither you, has sent any e-mails to me, if the matter is so delicate.
Hi Benny

I sent you an e-mail some days ago.

have you got it?


Hallo Oleg

I see the whole thing is not as skeptical as others here in this forum.
There was but also cases of abuse in terms of recognition marks (EKM).
Can these names with expensive sale at Ebay.

@ Vielleicht koennte mal ein Moderator / Vereinsmitglied sich dazu aeussern wie es hier weiter geht?
Leider kann man hier kein Russisch benutzen, da waere es vielleicht einfacher?
Thanks for the prompt reply.

Could you send me an e-mail message?

Hallo Oleg

What should I write to you?
What exactly you want to know?
I think it is better to Official way here over the forum observed. I ask for your understanding!
Thank you
OK, Minos

I have no choice and I will talk to you.

Why don't you want to write a message to me?

I've got a feeling that I am knocking on a locked door.

Don't you understand that I cannot make public even parts of the found texts?

If you want me to speak only in public about the finding, I will, but I am afraid that will be the last time with you.

Regarding "recognition marks (EKM)" and " expensive sale at Ebay", I see no relationship to the texts in question and it sounds rather offending. Nobody is going to make money out of the research, nobody implied that it has something to do with sales.
Thus, I see no objects of your fears.
Or am I so blind?

Schluss damit.

Ade, Minos!